I haven’t written a blog post since February. Not sure how that happened…oh yes, I do. L.I.F.E.
As an employed-preneur (aka hustla) I work and run my own businesses. I have an (extended)family and community. Since I’ve been away my family has faced some heavy, heady, stuff. We’ve experienced graduations, travel, surgeries, biopsies, and now cancer. I have blogged in my head but other than character limited social media posts could not get a single word out on the page. Things happen that way.
Two nights ago, the murder of Alton Sterling woke me back up. I acknowledged that while my family’s suffering is real, I live a privileged life. We have had the resources to pursue education, access healthcare, travel. We have each other to lean on in times of true pain.
My privilege does not absolve me from showing up for others. My privilege requires me to use my education, resources and networks for the greater good. I know without a doubt that God created me to pursue justice as a radical act of faith.
As I was trying to figure out how to get out of bed this morning, I popped on Facebook to check in with my virtual crew. The first item on my news feed was a picture of a Donny Hathaway album that a friend posted. She reminded me of the healing power of music & its importance to my self-care.
Y’all know I use the Miracle Morning personal development framework for the past year. This mornings SAVERS were situated in the reality of two Black men murdered by law enforcement in the last 48 hours. My SAVERS were radical in that they were not about my personal enjoyment or fulfillment. They were about addressing trauma in a way that freed my spirit to face the day.
Here are today’s SAVERS:
Silence: prayer for the families of Alton Sterling & Philando Castile
Affirmation: #blacklivesmatter
Visualization: freedom
Exercise: yoga (tadasana)
Read: Psalm 103:6
Scribe: outline for a blog post on black philanthropy for black lives, coloring
This my people is #radicalselfcare. Name and address the trauma (if you are ready/able). If you have the privilege of time and space, take it. Take care of you by any means necessary.
Our lives literally depend on it.
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