Join us for a Beta Test of
Are you ready to say ‘BYE to all the toxic people and things in your life?
You are NOT powerless.
Let’s say ENOUGH and clear the way for 2017.
Join us for an interactive session that makes space for you to:
- Acknowledge the highs and lows
- Make space for more ‘yes’
- Visualize a way forward
- Identify key supports
- (Re)Create your self-care toolkit
We will leave our time together with a renewed sense of purpose and a plan to face each day with boldness and joy.
Women who have experienced loss, work in high-pressure careers (corporate and nonprofit), are emptynesters, and/or are part of a blended family are especially encouraged to attend.
There are only eight (8) slots for this beta session in Houston. To join us, please register today.
Saturday, January 7th
10am – 1pm
Houston, TX
Lunch will be provided
*If you are unable to join us, please be on the look-out for more workshops in 2017.