Hey y’all!
It’s the list-making time of year, and Martha and I wanted to share our top ten survival strategies.
In addition to what we said last time we made our list:
1. Add a ‘nourishing’ appointment to your online calendar to catch up with friends and colleagues at local (outdoor) spots.
2. Cut your last year’s holiday shopping in half and consider regifting or charitable donations honoring someone instead. Given the great disparities in giving, please support organizations led by people of color, LGBTQ fox, and people with disabilities.
3. Put some love into the world:
- For the non-chefs, send an e-gift card for a food delivery service, or, if you can, cook for a friend or loved one in need.
- Send a thank you note, email, or text even if it’s too late. Seriously, don’t overthink it. Sending it will benefit you and the other person.
- Send the condolence message you forgot to send. Please let’s normalize grief beyond the first two weeks.
- Give a stranger a compliment. If you suffer from stranger danger, join the #MakeKindnesstheNorm movement
4. When you don’t get The Thing or Things you want, LET IT GO! Someone else got it instead is happy about it because they got it, and a lot of someones didn’t get it and feel the same way you do.
5. Be an email abolitionist. (Oh Kelli! I will aspire to this!) Go back to phone calls and don’t leave voicemails.
6. Try fried pickles if you haven’t yet. Eat them like people do in the south, by dipping them in some ranch dressing!
7. Hug your loved ones. Or, if you’re not a hugger, make sure to find other ways to show affection—words of affirmation, celebrating their accomplishments, etc.
8. Friends are really important! Our friend group fills our cup daily.
9. Learning to nap is a love letter to your inner child.
10. Celebrate the rejections!! Taking a wrong turn opens the possibility for new discoveries about yourself and others.
Kelli and Martha
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