Thanks to my village for riding with me through this rollercoaster of a year. All the rants & tears, wisdom, encouragement, prayers, and love were more helpful than I can say.
Here are some reflections from my Boho Berry #yearendreview.
My favorite memory of 2018: sitting in the desert with @jtjackson.
Biggest accomplishment: saying NO. (My fellow #enneagram2’s will understand.)
Biggest Challenge: Navigating my role in and across multiple complicated relationships.
Two of my successes: I wrote more & was more consistent with my planner
Money well spent: travel
Smart decision: maintaining emotional boundaries with unhealthy people
Unfinished business: my home office & finding a new therapist
Start doing: learning more about #menopause
Keep doing: more family & bestsister time
Self-Care: more laughter
Word for 2019: F R U I T I O N
#bohoberrychallenge #planneraddict #writer #travelislife #enneagram #selfcare
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